University of Alberta Edmonton. AB Bachelor of Science in Computing Science, Minor in Statistics Sep. 2017 – May 2023 Mobile Robotics: ROS, forward kinematics, filters, control, computer vision and machine learning
Intro to Robotics: Robotics arms, inverse kinematics, visual servoing and Kalman filters (top mark in class)
Operating Systems: Processes, threads, mutexes, deadlock: avoidance, detection & recovery, memory management
Advanced Games Development: C++17 using object oriented principles, initializers, templates & Starcraft 2 bot
Work History
Research Assistant May 2023 – Oct. 2023 Intelligent Robot Learning Laboratory - Amii - University of Alberta Edmonton, AB Assembled and wired a self-built 5 Dof robotic arm (Bento Arm) designed by the UofA’s BLINC lab
Wrote build logs and user guides. Trained Ph.D students on use of Bento Arm and Duckiebot mobile robots
Developed UDP code for recording/sending Bento arm movements, path planning and inverse kinematics
Undergraduate & Graduate Teaching Assistant Jan. 2023 – May 2023 University of Alberta Edmonton, AB Responsible for setting up a positive learning environment for students to learn ROS using the Duckiebot platform
Developed lab for apriltag localization and computer vision. Co-developed and reviewed other labs & exercises
Taught proper ROS & Docker usage, explained difficult concepts, guided through labs and helped solve bugs
Embedded Software Developer May 2022 – Sep. 2022 Copperstone Technologies Edmonton, AB Wrote C++20 code for a remote operated & autonomous rover using test-driven development in a agile framework
Overhauled GPS pipeline to use a different data structure allowing users to better determine GPS accuracy
Integrated C++20 CAN bus tele-operation code with a ROS2 C++17 node with automated tests at build time
Junior Linked Open Data Research Analyst Sep. 2020 – Sep. 2021 Lincs Project - University of Alberta - Science Internship Program Edmonton, AB Decreased run time of existing tools from days to hours by efficiently batching SPARQL queries.
Created fault-tolerant services in docker containers to periodically extract, transform, test and save data.
Software Developer - Data Efficencies May 2019 – Sep. 2019 AIMco - Alberta Investment Management Corporation Edmonton, AB Used Pandas to test and validate auto-generated data and databases used in the financial industry
Developed an NLP tool to translate questions into an SQL query, and integrated with Django front-end website
Tech Reviewer - Content Creator June 2016 – Sep. 2018 O’Reilly Media Remote Wrote articles on machine learning applications and developed a published reinforcement learning course
Reviewed top-selling Hands-on Machine Learning book by testing code, giving advice, and finding errors
Autonomous Robotic Vehicle Project | Technical Project Lead, Software Lead Sep. 2017 – Sep. 2023 Reviewed all code used to pilot an autonomous underwater vehicle built upon ROS2, Docker, CI/CD, and Jetson
Lead and advised the team to a third-place victory out of 35 teams at the international Robosub 2023 competition
Developed all of the localization and sensor fusion code using TCP data from the DVL, barometer and IMU
Re-wrote CAN bus firmware such that communication between motors, actuators and sensors was optimally fast
Robo Scarecrow | HackED - Top Ten - Best Hardware Project Jan. 2023 - Built an autonomous bird deterrent using servos, depth camera, object detection, URDF and inverse kinematics
YeetMind | HackED - Third Place - Best Hardware Project Jan. 2019 - Built a robotic car that integrated with user ECG data and electrically shocked unfocused or asleep users
Technical Skills
Python, C, C++ (17/20), Java, Javascript, Bash, R, C#, SQL, SPARQL
Linux, Git, CI/CD, Docker, ROS, ROS2, Gitlab, Github, Bitbucket, Jira